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Program Services available for:
Primary Schools

Effective Learn-To-Swim Methods:
Having run several swim schools, my L-T-S methods can be summed up with three words...
"Trust, Enjoyment and Patience!"
Children progress at different rates and must develop a sense of total trust in their instructor. Only then will a child begin to enjoy themselves and progress at their full learning capacity.

Teaching "The Basics":
This is one of the most important stages in the sport of swimming. Aquatic skills that are taught at this stage of a child's development, will stay with them for the rest of their lives. This is why it is very important to teach a variety of aquatic survival skills, before concentrating on the finer points of the competitive strokes. This stage should not be rushed, with repetition being "the key"!

Full Aquatic Program Analysis:
This service can contain many aspects to it, or can entail just one or two specific areas of your program being observed and analysed. Learn-to-swim, Mini Squads, Jnr & Snr Competitive Squads, Open-water & Tri-athlon Squads, Adult Fitness & Competitive Masters Groups, have all benefitted from this service. The procedure for any, or all of the above mentioned areas, is that I spend an agreed amount of time observing or working in the program, then write a detailed assessment of its effectiveness and suggest ways to enhance its overall efficiency and success. This service has become very popular with Schools & University Swimming Programs.
Secondary Schools
University Programs
State Associatons & Institutes of Sport
National Programs

Examples of my Teaching & Coaching Philosophies:
Laying the "Foundations":

This stage deals with the introduction and acquisition of the 4 competitive swimming strokes. The basic water skills are taken to the next level, where balance and stability within the water becomes the priority... "Not Speed!" Applying power to one's stroke is determined by the ability of a swimmer to stay on balance and work with the water, not against it!
Age Group Swimming:
This is such a crucial period in any child's development. In saying that, it is still predominantly an important learning stage in so many areas. Learning to swim fast while maintaining good technique, learning how to train and race, to win and lose along with learning to balance sport and education, are just a few of the aspects that are sadly neglected during this phase. Unfortunately, "results" are usually the main priority which continues to cut-short many promising careers.

If all the prior stages are followed successfully, there is still no guarantee that a child will get to experience representing their country on the international arena. This, along with the time period it usually takes to reach this level, only emphasises the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between sport and educational pursuits throughout the developing years. With the present average age of our national team members being 23 years of age, a university career is almost a must.
"If only Swimming Australia & our State Institutes of Sport would share this view!"
National & International Swimming:

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