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All services available in:

  • Private Lessons      

  • Small Groups (2, 3 or 4)      

  • Group Sessions      

Advanced Stroke Correction:
The most limiting factor in how successful an athlete can be in the competitive swimming arena, is their "stroke mechanics". Champions come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing they all have in common is their ability to apply power in the unstable environment of the water. This can only happen with a strong committment to learning the fundamentals of good technique.  
The Psychology of Winning:
This is an area of competitive sport that is sadly neglected in the younger athletes. Many of these type of problems are seeded very early in their careers, and are not dealt with until their mid to late teens. By this stage, it is very difficult to make permanent changes to several aspects of their training and racing psyche. I feel that this is an important process that has played a major role in the success of my swimmers and teams in the past. It has always frustrated me, as a coach, to see so many potential champions retire before realising their full potential... all who just needed some guidance in this area!    
Strength Programming for Swimmers:
Not only is it somewhat an art to build a swimmer's strength and power without creating bulk, but their are also several questions that need to be addressed when working with young athletes. What is the right age to start strength training, what type of dry-land work should they do, and how does one co-ordinate this into a program without detracting too much from their water work. If these questions are not dealt with properly, this type of training can be counter-productive!  

Gold Medal Nutrition:
This is another aspect of competitive sport that must be handled with "kid-gloves", as they say. On far too many occasions, I have witnessed either parents, coaches or in some cases both, handle this subject with the subtleness of a "sledge-hammer". Swimmers, in particular, require a nutritional plan that is far removed from that of the general public. This is due to the unusually high energy demands required for elite level training and racing regimes. In saying that, if an individual's "nutritional plan" (Not Diet), is successfully implemented, the results can be quite significant compared to their fellow competitors. "Knowledge really is Power!"

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Parenting the Talented Athlete:
The success in this sometimes controversial subject is one that requires good communication skills from both the athlete's parents and coaching staff. Almost all great athletes have a great support team which respects each others' roles and work together for the best interest of the athlete. It is worth remembering... "that each party is only as effective as the other one's support!"  
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